First seen on the Space Trash Blog.
The centre of the madness, the eye of the
storm ... where the Cortii series is written, edited, and not
infrequently sworn about.
Almost out of shot to the right, there
is a cat shelf. It's a cat shelf because we are what we most frequently
do (~Aristotle), and what that shelf most frequently does is serve as a
depository for furry, mobile writer's blocks. While their preferred spot
is, of course, front and centre between me and the screen (and
preferably on the keyboard), the shelf is an acceptable staging point
for a rather miffed wash before staging another assault on the walls of
my concentration.
Other important aspects are the skull, used for
conjuring lost files (yes, it's a USB hub), the speakers, and not least,
the remote-controlled flying fuck helicopter (because I can give one
occasionally, but frequently need to provide photographic evidence).
the top shelf are the ring binders holding old manuscripts (otherwise
known as editing inspiration - I look at these relics and immediately
feel better about my current writing), and my rear-view mirror,
currently completely useless because no one can sneak up behind me
unless they can walk through walls. However, it's a great idea and I
like it, which is why it's there.
Aside from the computer itself,
the huge, sound-deadening headphones are a vital component of writing or
editing. With those on and the metal playing, the only things that can
distract me is a strategically-applied claw to my rear or the inevitable
passage of tea through my system.
Because 3-D cameras are a cool
idea but I don't have one, I've included the view facing in exactly the
opposite direction. This is the display of other assorted detritus that I
like to play with and think about when I'm procrastinating, which
includes a wakizashi, shells from the Caribbean, a Japanese teapot (when not in use), proof copies of Through the Hostage and Fighting Shadows,
a lot of sealing wax, and my Australian hat. Oh, and a bunch of
assorted books on writing, WordPress, meditation, etc. that I like to
have handy but that don't really fit in the library downstairs (because
we've got somewhere between 1,000 and 2,000 books down there already and
we need to buy a new shelf. Or three.)
I'm considering adding a warning sign on the door for when I'm working. Feel free to send suggestions.